Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Did this term "fruity" mean something else when you were in junior high? I learned this term about the same time I learned that green M&M's would make you horny. Whatever that meant.

It's Tuesday. Is this day significant for you? Or just a regular old Tuesday. Today Jesus took time to talk to his disciples about bearing fruit. (Come on, you knew I would circle back around....a random thought with a purpose. Let's call it adult onset attention disorder.)

He stopped on the road between Bethany and Jerusalem. It amazes me that Jesus knew what would be happening in a few days BUT he still took the time to teach his disciples. Again. And I'm pretty sure they still didn't get it. How wonderful that our savior chooses to love us and teach us even with his death on the horizon.

Bear Fruit. If you are not bearing fruit, you are as useless as a fig tree without fruit. But if you have faith and practice, you can move mountains. In our world, that mountain may be a dramatic 6 year old. But moving her with patience and grace will show her how a momma is supposed to love and give her confidence that she can move mountains too.

Get a little fruity today. Move mountains...and I don't mean push. Love on your mountains and mole-hills.

Practice your faith in front of them do they know what it means to follow Jesus....Especially this week as we follow him to the cross..

What happens on Wednesday? How will we continue to keep Jesus' journey on our mind this week?

Joyfully moving dramatic mountains and mopey mole-hills,


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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